Have you ever been to the museum in Cleveland?  No, not the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum.  I was thinking of the International Women’s Air and Space Museum.  It happens that the IWASM located on the grounds of the Lakefront Airport is within walking distance of the Rock & Roll tribute. It’s about five minutes from one to the other.

As it happens the IWASM moved from Dayton to Cleveland about the same time as I was moving from Cleveland to Dayton.  When my book Shooting Star debuted, Heather Alexander, the director at the time, asked me to do a book signing event.  It was a great experience for a fledgling author.  Several of my Euclid High classmates showed up at the affair. Shortly thereafter I became a lifetime member of the Museum.

During my talk, I mentioned that I had been searching for a plaque that the Ninety-Nines had hung at Flint, Michigan’s Bishop field.  Airport personnel had no clue as to its whereabouts.  Heather spoke up and said, “I know where it is. It’s hanging in my office. I always wondered where it came from.”  Sure enough, after the evening’s festivities, she took it down from the wall to show me.

Even if you can’t make it in person, a visit to the IWASM’s website is worth the trip.  One feature is the interviews with women who have made history in air or space.  Next rainy afternoon, settle down to listen to one or more of those in-person interviews.

My experience tells me that not many folks interested in early flight are familiar with this Museum.  I hope this post gives it the publicity it deserves.

Next time you are in Cleveland, visit IWASM (and maybe the Rock & Roll Museum, which is great too.)

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